Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Welcome To Our 2016 Foaling Season Blog

A new year has arrived and along with it comes foaling season at our farm. This will be our thirteenth year of breeding, foaling, raising and loving our Gypsy Vanner horses.

This is my favorite time of the year. After watching the news and dealing with the day to day business of running a house and farm, I can walk in the barn door, leave the real world behind and just enjoy being in my Happy Place.  I love watching the mares and being there when each of the new foals arrive. Foaling season can be stressful and tiring but this is overridden by the rewards involved.  There is no feeling like watching a foal transform from a wet, helpless little thing in the straw to a leggy, wobbling creature running around the stall, nursing and bonding with it's mother. Each foaling resulting in a healthy mare and foal is a resounding win.

Our foaling cams are now on. Pollyanne, Karisma and Tara are on the cams.The mares will be brought in each evening and will be on the stall cams. Unless the weather is bad or we feel that foaling is imminent, we let them out during the day for exercise and socialization.  They can be seen on our outside cams during the day. 

  We are looking forward to the birth of eight foals this year. In the next few days we will be introducing you to the expectant mares and stallions, giving updates on the mares progress and sharing with you some of the daily activities here on the farm.

We really enjoy sharing our horses with all of you and hope you can be with us via our live cams as we experience the miracle of birth.

Come Join Us In Our Happy Place



  1. THANK you for inviting us into your Happy Place! Your farm, your horses, all of the cameras, outside and inside, watching the horses, have become my happy place too. But especially the people I see working so gently with the mares and foals make me IS a very happy place, and brings joy to lots of horse lovers who no longer can own and ride.

  2. Thank you for the update can't wait!

  3. Awesome! Look forward to the new foaling year! Yeah!!!!

  4. Thank you for writing about your wonderful horses. I have been following you for quite a few years. I love the way you speak of your horses. It shows so much love. Good luck with the new foals. I'll be watching.

  5. I am so glad it's time again, but I am having trouble with the audio. Is it on ? Thank you

  6. The audio is not on yet. I'll get it connected sometime this week.

  7. Thank you so much, now I can stop fiddling with my computer. I upgraded my satellite allowance so I can watch way more than last year. This is my favorite time of the year and you make it possible. Bless you and all of the beautiful horses. <3

  8. Das ganze Jahr freue ich mich schon darauf, das die Cameras wieder an sind und ich euch, die Stuten und die Fohlen endlich wieder sehen kann. Es ist eine ganz besonderes Zeit. Vielen lieben Dank dafür. Liebe Grüße Conny

  9. Thank you for sharing your foaling season with us again! :-) Last year was my first Freeland's foaling season (I joined with Nash's birth) and I can't wait to see the new little ones! I'm watching from Germany - so usually I turn on the cams when it's night over there in Arkansas, which is a good time to see a foal being born. :-) Good luck to everybody with the new babies und viele Grüße an die anderen deutschen Fohlen-Süchtigen! S.
