Friday, January 15, 2016


Meet Pollyanne


Pollyanne was our very first Gypsy Vanner horse.  She was imported from England in 2004.  I will never forget how excited I was when I knew she was on the plane and headed to the US.  She landed in New York City and spent the required three day quarantine there. From New York she was transferred to Lexington Kentucky for her two week quarantine.  The morning she was to be delivered to Lexington the transport rig in was in a horrific wreck.  Several of the horses on the trailer with her were killed and others injured.  Polly was not injured but the vets in Kentucky kept a very close watch on her as she was in foal at the time.  She came to Arkansas after her quarantine and delivered a healthy colt that year.  We were so fortunate that she came though that without injuries.  I have a feeling people could have seen me smiling from a mile away as she stepped off that trailer at our farm. 

Polly is a big, heavy mare with a long thick mane and lots of feather.  She is calm, patient and loving. She has given us seven wonderful foals, all by Prince Charming.  Our stallion, BlackJack, is a son of Polly and Prince.  We are looking forward to the arrival of her 2016 foal in late February. She is in the barn and on the foaling cams each night.

Pollyanne’s Previous Foals


  1. Thank you so much for the background info on these beautiful ladies, it's so interesting to know who is related to who and how they came to be on your lovely farm.

  2. I love reading the back ground on these beautiful Babies, And love that the Freelands open their hearts and farm for us to view and see such miracles with eachand every foal, during foaling season. Thank you Freelands for sharing your Beauties with us.
